Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nothing noths

"Nozick’s own hypotheses were certainly strange. One was that the primal nothingness might have been so annihilating that it annihilated itself, thus producing being. This echoes a much-mocked line of Heidegger’s: “nothing noths” (“Das Nichts nichtet”)."

'Why Does the World Exist?' by Jim Holt; New York Times, August 2, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. That whole article is fascinating. I love this phrase: “a closed spherical spacetime of zero radius.”

    Yes, it is hard to visualize nothingness. Heidegger's phrase reminds me of Finnegans Wake and other works of writing that use words in such a way as to suggest, to me, the uncanniness and strangeness of "things" like being and nothingness. I like that Bakewell refers to anxiety ("the anxiety we feel in the thought of “nothing” brings us face to face with Being itself")--it is just one of many possible emotions one can experience when confronting these topics--awe, confusion, ecstasy even.

    Heidegger has a lot of very interesting ideas. I've started to try to understand some of them.
